
"With this bike, we can help her get into a childhood experience that may help not only include her in that everyday childhood fun but as a therapeutic means as well."

Adriana C., 3, Columbus
Brachial Plexus injury at birth

Adriana is a typical 3-year-old who enjoys her playtime. Bike riding has been difficult with balance and range of motion issues as a result of this birth injury. Having a bicycle that can help provide more support for the given problems will greatly impact her on a physical and emotional level.


"Ferrin is an amazing kid who deserves amazing things."

Ferrin L., 15, Newark
Down Syndrome and Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Ferrin is a 15-year-old teenager who loves his family and friends. He is always helping others when he can, especially his grandfather whom he calls Fa. His Fa had 2 strokes over a year ago and Ferrin had been the biggest help when it comes to his Fa's daily living activities. He also loves helping his 3 younger cousins with anything and everything they need. Together they love going to the park, playing video games, swimming and so much more. He is a selfless teenager who loves to make people laugh and make sure everyone around him is happy. He's been serious about making sure his health has become one of his top priorities. Obtaining this adaptive device would ensure that his health is maintained and help immensely with some goals that he has set for himself.


"She'll be super happy with her new bike."

Khloe L., 8, Columbus
Lumbar Spinal Cord Injury

Khloe is an energetic, happy, and funny young lady. She is a hard worker and enjoys making new friends. She never let her diagnosis get her down. She loved riding the adaptive bikes while in the hospital and having one at home will help her to participate in outdoor recreation.


"A bike would expose more of the world to him and assist with his core strength."

Anthony D., 18, Canton
Down Syndrome, Hypotonia

Anthony is a very social and outgoing young man. He loves riding the bus to school each weekday. He greets everyone as he walks the hall at school. His weekends are spent as a host at his parent's local restaurant. He greets most guests with a hug. When he is riding in the car stopped at a light with his window down, he talks to people in the neighboring cars. He enjoys eating all foods but ice cream is his favorite by far.


"Aydrien is an exceptional child to me and to see him doing things he enjoys fills my heart.. he has been through so much in his little life""

Aydrien N., 9, Columbus
Blind, Cerebral Palsy, Autism

My family does a lot of outings. I have other grandchildren that play sports and I love to go and watch them play. Sometimes with Aydrien, it's hard. There's a trail I can take him on but he will not walk that far. And having a bike could help him ride the trails while we walk with him.

- April N., mom


"A bike will allow Zamil to ride his bike with his sister, and enjoy the outdoor space."

Zamil M., 10, Canal Winchester
Quadriplegic Spastic CP, Seizure disorder

Milly is a lovely young man who enjoys basketball, playing with toys, and spending time with his parents and little sister.  He was in therapy on an inpatient rehab unit this past summer and has made a lot of progress in mobility.  Having a bike will help him get even stronger and he will be able to continue improving his motor skills, have the opportunity to ride his bike with his sister, and enjoy the outdoor space.


"This bike would mean so much to me."

Zade G., 8, South Shore (KY)
Developmental disability, CAS and Autism

Zade is a wonderful 8 year old boy that loves to play. He has difficulty with his motor planning so that makes riding a bike and other things we take for granted, very difficult. It is disheartening to watch him struggle. He would be able to have so much more freedom. It would mean so much to us to watch him enjoy riding a bike on his own.


"Riding a bike is so much fun!"

Skyler D., 12, Greenup (KY)
WAGR syndrome/autism/ trouble walking

Skyler likes swimming and YouTube but since having to learn to walk again he has discovered a love for the therapy bike at the hospital.


"This bike would help him feel good and help his community in his own special way."

Dominic A., 10, Dublin
Hypoxic Brain Injury

Dom is a very curious and active child. He loves to be outside and explore nature. He also likes to play Pokemon go with his family which requires traveling distances in search of Pokemon. He calls it Pokemon hunting! Dom has also begun asking me to go pick up trash and litter around our neighborhood because it makes him feel good that he’s helping the environment. A bike would allow us to more easily get to a park by our house that has a small creek he wants to help clean up.


Allison D., 17, Groveport
Down Syndrome and Moya Moya Syndrome

Allison loves being on the bikes at school and we would love for her to have the same access to healthy, fun activities at home!


Impact lives with one bike today!

Every child deserves a chance to learn how to ride a bike - to feel the freedom and fun with friends and family. For thousands of central Ohio children with disabilities, the access, cost, and training for the right adaptive equipment is out of reach.

Adaptive Sports Connection provides specialized adaptive bikes for children. Working with a volunteer team of physical therapists and cycling enthusiasts, we offer bike evaluations for children, purchase adaptive bikes, put together the bikes, deliver the bikes, and teach children how to ride the bikes.

The joy on the faces of the children and parents is priceless. Last year we gave away 70 adaptive bikes to children with physical and cognitive disabilities.

This year we hope to give away 400 adaptive bikes through our Boundless Challenge Bike Giveaway for Kids.

Bikes restore a sense of possibility and ability to those whom are often told by society that their life is about limitations and disability. Help us in giving the gift of health, independence, and the freedom of mobility through adaptive cycling.

Give the gift of health, independence, and the freedom of mobility!

For more information, please contact Sharon Bucey, CEO
at [email protected] or (630) 945-1787.