Sports Advisory Teams

Adaptive Sports Connection's volunteers and staff help make meaningful experiences for all of our athletes and participants. Each sport has a panel of volunteers that help our staff administer our programs and make sure that our events are safe and that our volunteers are well trained. We want to give special thanks to the members of the following sports advisory teams.

Cycling Advisors

Robert Simon


Robert Simeral

Sports Advisor

Theresa Berner

Discover Cycling

Steve Ricker

Mountain Biking

Carol Brubaker

Group Rides

Paddle Sports Advisors

Terry Jones


Don Nehrkorn


David Brubaker

Sports Advisor

Jane Smith

Sports Advisor

Snow Sports Advisors

Don Nehrkorn


Richard Barthelmas


Theresa Ritchey

Sports Advisor

Mike Kenyon

Sports Advisor

Eric Schnabel

Hill Advisor

Soccer Advisors

Theresa Berner


Jen Fugitt

Sports Advisor