Adaptive Bike Giveaway on World Kindness Day
Adaptive Sports Connection donates custom bikes to children with disabilities, celebrates acts of kindness and the positive impact

COLUMBUS, Ohio: November 8, 2024 – Adaptive Sports Connection (ASC) will recognize World Kindness Day 2024 with a bike giveaway and fitting event for children with disabilities on November 13, 2024 at The Harmony Project, 4411 Tamarack Blvd., Columbus, OH 43229 from 5 – 7 p.m. Children will receive their own customized bikes that evening and take their new cycles for a test ride to celebrate with their families.
“An adaptive bike can significantly improve the quality of life for a child living with a disability,” said Sharon Bucey, president and CEO, Adaptive Sports Connection. “Not only does the child benefit from having a bike to enjoy, the entire family can experience more quality time riding together. This enhances everyone’s physical and social well-being.”
The bike giveaway on World Kindness Day is part of a broader effort to provide bikes to every child on the Bikes to Go waitlist between now and the end of the year. ASC is working to raise the necessary funds by leveraging a generous challenge grant from the Walter Foundation. The Bikes To Go program provides children and young adults with their own bike, tailored to meet their needs and abilities. Whether for recreation or therapy, ASC’s team of occupational and physical therapists works with each child to ensure the right fit.
“As we work to lift up others and spread kindness on World Kindness Day and beyond, supporting the Bikes to Go Program with a matching grant made a lot of sense,” said Nikki Scarpitti, executive director, the Walter Foundation. “This is an opportunity to enable children with disabilities to simply ride a bike and enjoy being a kid, but because it has to be customized, it is often unaffordable for families. We hope the matching grant will inspire others to act with generosity and kindness to help eliminate the bike waitlist.”
Due to a physical or emotional disability, many children are unable to ride a regular bike. Specially adapted bikes can be costly, making it a challenge for families to purchase one. Being able to have a bike of their own, just in time for the holidays, is very meaningful to these kids in need.
“Evan loves watching kids ride bikes, but he cannot manage a two-wheel cycle,” said the mother of a child on the bike waitlist. “He is very social, likes being outside, and I know he would love to soar on a bike! We would appreciate help in funding a three-wheel bike for him. Biking together as a family would be a great activity and provide new independence for Evan.”
The challenge grant is open through year-end with a goal to raise $75,000. For more information or to donate, visit:
We thank our friends at The Harmony Project for the use of their community space to host the bike event.
About ASC: Adaptive Sports Connection (ASC) is a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1992 and located in Columbus, Ohio. Dedicated to serving veterans, children, and adults with disabilities across Ohio through sports, outdoor, and therapeutic recreation, ASC is an active member of Move United. The organization’s mission is to break through limitations with adaptive innovation, ensuring people of all abilities, the health benefits, freedom, and sense of belonging from recreation and outdoor experiences.
For Media Inquiries:
Su Lok
[email protected]