"I want a bike so I can ride with my friends this summer."
Ava H., 12, Columbus
Cerebral Palsy
Ava was born weighing 2 lbs 9 oz and has been beating the odds since day one! She was born with Cerebral Palsy and hearing loss and many doctors told her mom that she would never walk or talk. However, Ava has proved them all wrong in doing as much as possible including walking, talking and playing many sports!

"This cycle would make her very constrained life a little more enjoyable!"
Mehrin A., 7, Columbus
Mehrin is a 7-year-old autistic child. Her condition has eliminated her ability to speak, function, or play like most typically growing children at her age. With assistance, she loved going outside on her tricycle. However, because of her age, she has outgrown kid's tricycles and her disability will not allow her to ride a regular tricycle due to safety concerns. We know that she yearns for a tricycle since she does try to sit on her baby sister's tricycle if she finds the opportunity to do so.
Referring Partner: Therapist

"Receiving this bike would be a dream come true!"
Aalijah H., 6, Columbus
Autism/ ADHD/ Epilepsy
Aalijah is an amazing 5 year old little boy who is non-verbal. He loves getting to ride an adaptive trike at school and we are anxious for him to have his very own so he can continue to ride at home!
Referring Partner: Therapist

"Blake works tirelessly to participate in her life in a body that does not cooperate with her, having a bike will be a great opportunity for her to have some fun!"
Blake L., 5, Springfield
Rett Syndrome
Blake is a beloved 5 year old that was diagnosed with Rett Syndrome in 2019, a rare neurological disorder affecting primarily girls. Her development was mostly typical at first but over time it became apparent that Blake was slowly losing her words and skills. At two years old, she was diagnosed with Autism. Right after her 3rd birthday, genetic testing results came back positive for Rett Syndrome. Blake brings so much love and joy to everyone who knows her. She enjoys the simple things in life and loves to be active! Swimming, swinging, roughhousing, running and riding her horse at her therapeutic riding facility are her favorite things to do. She has not had many opportunities to ride a bike because the only place she has been able to do that is at physical therapy which she has not had in a year due to Covid. We know that she would absolutely love it as she loves to go fast, feel the wind on her face, and adventure!
Referring Partner: Past BTG Family

"She wants to be able to ride bikes with her brother and cousins, but without an adaptive bike, that isn't currently possible."
Kylee J., 4.5, Woodsfield
Cerebral Palsy
God blessed us with Kylee 4 years ago and she started her journey with cerebral palsy when she was 3 months old. Although she was born with her condition, that's when we first started seeing the signs. She actually didn't receive her CP diagnosis until she was around 2 years old and a while after that, we discovered her brain malformation known as polymicrogyria (PMG) that is actually the cause of her cerebral palsy. She has been in physical therapy since she was 3 months old and occupational therapy and speech followed. She loves her team of therapists! She's had 2 eye surgeries, multiple botox injections and more doctors appointments than we can count, but this girl is full of fire and determination and she will not be kept down. She is sassy and hilarious and wants to do everything herself! She has made so much progress with therapy and walks with forearm crutches. She wants to be able to ride bikes with her brother and cousins, but without an adaptive bike, that isn't currently possible. We would love to be able to give her the opportunity to achieve this goal and any and all help would be greatly appreciated!
Referring Partner: Ambucs

"This bike would mean the world for my son!"
Kayden B., 4, Westerville
Cerebral Palsy
As a child with cerebral palsy there are many activities he would like to try but is not able to due to his physical limitations. If he were to receive a bike he could join the family on bike rides around the neighborhood instead of being in a baby carrier. As a growing child, now 4 years of age, he wants to participate and enjoy like the rest of the family. He so desperately wants to own a bike of his own.
Referring Partner: School

"I can't wait to ride my very own bike! "
Bhoomi M., 10, Powell
Cerebral Palsy
Bhoomi would love to be able to ride a bike so she can work to strengthen her muscles. She is really looking forward to being able to enjoy some family time on bike rides!
Referring Partner: School

"As parents we love the physical exercise and fresh air she gets when riding!"
Ella J., 11, Powell
Down Syndrome
Ella is an easy going little girl that loves the outdoors. She has been riding a hand-me-down trike for four years now and loves the independence it allows her in our neighborhood. She loves "racing" alongside our dog Luna or her sister Macy.
Referring Partner: Another ASC Family

"I just want Kymber to be able to feel like even though she has a disability she can still do things other kids do!"
Kymber R., 6, Lakeview
Marinesco-sjogren Syndrome
Kymber would love to have her own bike she could ride that would be safe for her! She always sees her big brother riding his bike and she wants to be able to ride with him so bad. It would mean so much to her because then she would be able to join in with her brother and other kids and not feel like she's left out or like she's any different then them. An adaptive bike would also help her get stronger with using her legs and her core helping her build more strength to start walking. Kymber would be the happiest little girl to be able to have a bike she can ride!
Referring Partner: Therapist

Kaylin W., 10
Complex Partial Seizures
Due to her diagnosis Kaylin has weakness on the left side, riding a bike is one way to help her strengthen her side. Her family would love to see Kaylin learn to ride a bike indepently to not only give her body more strength but a fun activity for them to share together!
Referring Partner: Nationwide Children's Hospital

"Having an adaptive bike will give Dominic the opportunity to move and push his body in new ways!"
Dominic Y., 3
TBI, Spasticity, Seizure Disorder, Global Developmental Delay
Dominic is a highly motivated 3 year old! He strives to be just like his classmates and is determined to get to a normal functioning level. He always pushes himself and LOVES to go go go! This bike would give him the opportunity to be just like his friends and use his body in different ways!
Referring Partner: Akron Children's Hospital

"Having an adaptive bike will give James the opportunity to ride a bike with his peers and improve his mobility!"
James K., 6
Hemiplegia Hemiconvulsion Epilepsy Syndrome
James is a thriving 6 year old with a huge personality! Without being able to walk and talk James still manages to be a light in any room!
Referring Partner: Akron Children's Hospital

"When can I ride a bike of my own?"
Riarn, 11, Urbancrest
Cerebral Palsy
<p style="text-align: left;">Riarn was born with CP. He has low muscle tone and problems with coordination that force him to use a wheelchair most of the time. His limbs have support deficit, and his leg muscles are beginning to contract from limited use. His dad is a bike rider and wants to share that with his son. He knows that having an opportunity to be outside and physically active, will be the best thing possible for his son.</p>
Sponsor: Aladdin Shrine
Referring Partner: Nationwide Children's Hospital

"At school she is able to ride an adaptive bicycle and we can't wait for her to have the same experience at home!"
Mayar A., 6, Delaware
CP, Stiffness in legs and lack of balance
Maya had brain bleeding at 26 weeks of Pregnancy which led to a life saving surgery at OSU and an 86 day stay at CHildren's Hospital. Since 9 months old she has received many therapy's of all kinds but mostly needs lots of Physical Therapy since she is still having difficulties walking, low balance issues and stiff legs. She has been able to ride bikes, swim and participate in horseback riding which have all helped her a lot!
Sponsor: Family Funded
Referring Partner: Olentangy Local Schools

"I really just want to find a solution for my daughter to be able to enjoy being outside and riding her bike!"
Kaylie L., 9 1/2, Pickerington
Autism level 2, ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder
Kaylie loves to ride bikes with her cousins and sister. She struggles to have the confidence to keep up with them, even with her training wheels. Even though we have done years of OT and balance work, it has become apparent that a two wheel bike may never be suitable for her. We are hoping an adaptive bike will give her the confidence to enjoy playing outside and the ability to ride without fear with her friends and family.
Sponsor: Peer-to-Peer Friends and Family
Referral Source: Facebook Page

Graham S., 9
Down Syndrome & Autism
Graham is a sweet, fun loving boy. He is nonverbal and significantly delayed. He loves to be outside and we would love to give him the ability to give him the ability his peers have such as riding a bike.
Sponsor: County Waiver

Allison A., 11
Allison is a bright, funny and kind girl. She loves reading and listening to music. She also loves to spend time with her family especially out in nature. She enjoys riding her Amtryke bike and is excited for the move to the next level of bicycle.
Sponsor: Adaptive Sports Connection Donors

Kaidyn M., 10
Spina Bifida & Myelomeingocele
Kaidyn is a fabulous 10 year old girl with Spina Bifida. She is the happiest, kindest, sweetest soul you will ever meet! Despite all her challenges you will never hear her complain or see her without a smile. She has the biggest heart and deserves the world. An Adaptive Bike will be a great way for Kaidyn with Spina Bifida to get out and have an opportunity to have mobility out of their wheelchair!
Sponsor: Giving Tuesday Donors

"An Adaptive Bike will be life changing for our family and for Cherysh!"
Cherysh S., 7
MECP2 Duplication Syndrome, Autism Spectrum Disorder, Epilepsy
Cherysh is a happy and playful 7 year old who greets each challenge with a smile! She has a neurological disorder that comes with lots of disabilities and health problems. Every new skill she gains is at risk of becoming permanently lost once regressions begin and her disorder can be fatal. She is very smart and strong and does all she can to feel like a "normal" kid despite her challenges. Her disorder affects her muscles and mobility and makes it hard to ride a bike as she doesn't have the strength although she tires anyway. An adaptive bike would help her with her physical therapy that is so vital to maintaining her mobility. It will allow her a sense of accomplishment and normalcy in her unordinary life.
Sponsor: Adaptive Sports Connection Donors
Referring Partner: Akron Children's Hospital

"I want to ride too!"
Martha L., 17, Columbus
Spastic Triplegia
A bicycle would do so much to help Martha get some exercise that would strengthen her legs and muscles. She has nothing else that can do what a bike could do. She could go to the park and enjoy the summer more.
Sponsor: Adaptive Sports Connection Donors
Referring Partner: Nationwide Children's Hospital

"Karlie can't wait to ride her very own adaptive bike!"
Karlie C., 6
Syngap 1
Karlie is a super friendly and outgoing six year old girl! She perks up when she hears her favorite bluegrass music and favorite show Boss Baby. She was recently diagnosed with Syngap 1 and even though she has special needs she never lets that get her down!
Sponsor: Peer-to-Peer Friends and Family
Referring Partner: Akron Children's Hospital

Maci J., 6, Westerville
Maci is a very outgoing, social little girl who is limited only because of overall muscle weakness. She loves princesses, parties, school, and having fun. She really enjoys being outside and playing sports in any way she can. She recently said "I can't ride a bike YET, but I will!" Having the access to bike riding has become especially important during this time when her therapy, horseback riding and swimming have all been put on hold due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Maci is so excited to have her very own bike!
Sponsor: Peer-to-Peer Friends and Family

Amy A., 9, Groveport
CP, Lazy Eye, Spastic Quadriplegic
Amy is a very sweet young girl who is very eager to ride a bike. She works hard during her therapies to learn bike skills and get stronger at pedaling on her own. Getting Amy an adaptive bike would help improve her overall strength, engagement in socialization, attention to task and participation in developmental recreational activity.
Sponsor: Pedal with Pete

Abigail C., 10, Upper Sandusky
Diabetes, Duane's Syndrome
Abigail was born with cleft lip and palate, as well as a multitude of other disabilities too long to list here. She lives with her grandma in Upper Sandusky, Ohio.
Abigail was recently diagnosed with diabetes. It was during her hospital stay at Nationwide Children's Hospital in October of 2019 that we were told about the benefits of exercise for her new diagnosis, such as an adaptive bike. This is especially beneficial to her since she crashed on her bicycle at the end of August and broke both her arms! Since that time, she has not shown an interest to ride again, until she was introduced to this adaptive trike. Now, she is excited and looking forward to riding again!
I see it as a great way for her to get some exercise which will help with her diabetes. She doesn't have any interest in team sports or any other type of activities that help get her moving and active. Our hope is to receive funding for this adaptive trike, so that Abby may be on her way to living a healthy, active lifestyle!
Sponsor: Peer-to-Peer Friends and Family

"All the time he needs to be kept busy."
Mohammad Y., 9, Dublin
Autistic Spectrum Disorder
Mohammed and his family came to the United States in 2016 on a Special Immigrants Visa after working for the U.S. Army in Afghanistan. It has been a difficult transition for Mohammed who is hyperactive with speech delays. He needs to get out and experience and enjoy the freedom of riding a bike. He needs to feel successful and in control. His family is asking for your help to make that possible.
Sponsor: Adaptive Sports Connection donors
Referring Partner: Nationwide Children's Hospital

"A real-life hero to his family and friends."
D'Marion G., 10, Reynoldsburg
Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Kawasaki Disease
D'marion doesn't let his disabilities get the best of him. He was born with low blood platelets that led doctors to discover he had a cyst on his brain that required surgery. At two years old he was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Doctors learned he had Kawasaki Disease when he experienced multiple seizures and was diagnosed with epilepsy. Through it all D'marion has always been full of energy and eager to be a support and encouragement to others.
Sponsor: The children of Oasis City Church
Referring Partner: Cerebral Palsy Clinic at Nationwide Children's Hospital

"I love my new bike!"
Deveon, 11, from Columbus
Spinal Muscular Atrophy
Westerville Sunrise Rotary sponsored our first child with their gift of $2,000. Deveon, 11, from Columbus has spinal muscular atrophy, a neuromuscular disorder. Working with his therapist Paige from Nationwide Children's Hospital and the Adaptive Sports Connection we were able to adapt a bike to fit his needs.
Sponsor: Westerville Sunrise Rotary
Referring Partner: Nationwide Children's Hospital

Kaylin W., 10
Complex Partial Seizures
Due to her diagnosis Kaylin has weakness on the left side, riding a bike is one way to help her strengthen her side. Her family would love to see Kaylin learn to ride a bike indepently to not only give her body more strength but a fun activity for them to share together!
Sponsor: Adaptive Sports Connection donors
Referring Partner: Nationwide Children's Hospital

"Having an adaptive bike will give James the opportunity to ride a bike with his peers and improve his mobility!"
James K., 6
Hemiplegia Hemiconvulsion Epilepsy Syndrome
James is a thriving 6 year old with a huge personality! Without being able to walk and talk James still manages to be a light in any room!
Sponsor: Adaptive Sports Connection donors
Referring Partner: Akron Children's Hospital

"Having an adaptive bike will give Dominic the opportunity to move and push his body in new ways!"
Dominic Y., 3
TBI, Spasticity, Seizure Disorder, Global Developmental Delay
Dominic is a highly motivated 3 year old! He strives to be just like his classmates and is determined to get to a normal functioning level. He always pushes himself and LOVES to go go go! This bike would give him the opportunity to be just like his friends and use his body in different ways!
Sponsor: Adaptive Sports Connection donors
Referring Partner: Akron Children's Hospital

"We really hope you will consider us to get a bike for my son would be so happy and appreciative!"
Ka'Ni W., 11, Columbus
Cerebral Palsy
It's important to us because he is 11 years old and due to the stroke he had when I was pregnant with him he is unable to use the left side of his body which prevents him from being able to ride a bike without training wheels. So you can imagine what that can feel like for a preteen to have to ride a bike with training wheels plus the bikes are not big enough for him that still have training wheels. Also they had three wheel bikes in physical therapy so he would also be getting some therapy in every time he rides which will be everyday if approved!!
Sponsor: Adaptive Sports Connection Donors
Referral Source: Website

"We are hoping ASC will be our last effort in finding Titus a bike."
Titus T., 10, Ashland
Cerebral Palsy
We have been searching and searching for bikes for Titus to ride and have wasted a lot of money and unfortunately, created more frustration for him. The closest thing we came to was a low sitting drift trike, but he has very limited use of his right hand/arm and right foot so it is still not a fun experience for him and he often feels left out and sad. I have looked into special needs bikes and they are thousands of dollars, we unfortunately cannot afford. It would mean so much for him to be able to ride a bike at 10 years old and feel "normal".
Sponsor: Adaptive Sports Connection Donors
Referral Source: Search Engine

"Dalton misses having a bike and would love to receive another one!"
Dalton S., 21, North Lewisburg
Cerebral Palsy and Autism
Dalton is a 21 year old fun loving young man, he loves to walk, play in the water, bouncing on his medicine ball, and watching TV. He had a bike years ago and enjoyed it but grew out of it and then we donated it to his school for other children to learn and have fun.
Sponsor: Adaptive Sports Connection Donors
Referral Source: Nationwide Children's Hospital
Give the gift of health, independence, and the freedom of mobility!
For more information, please contact Sharon Bucey, CEO
at [email protected] or (630) 945-1787.